Thursday, June 25, 2015

Saudi MOH: 1 Additional MERS Case In Hofuf



# 10,259


For more than 2 months, most of the MERS activity in Saudi Arabia has been centered around the town of Hofuf (aka `Hafoof’, `Hafuf’, etc.) in the Northeastern part of the country.   What began with a single case in mid-April grew into a family cluster in early May, and then into a full blown nosocomial outbreak (apparently across more than one hospital) in May and June.

Most, but not all, of the cases have been listed as `contacts’ of a previously indentified case, but the epidemiological situation has been poorly described by the Saudis, and the WHO updates are often vague on the finer details of this outbreak.


After several days of no reports, Saudi Arabia announces one more case from Hofuf, this time in a 41 year-old male who is listed as a `household contact’ of another case.  By my count, the number of people in this cluster (since Mid-April) is approaching 40 cases.
