Tuesday, April 05, 2016

CDC Adds Fiji and Kosrae (Federated States of Micronesia) To Zika Travel List


Two Pacific Islands, albeit 3,000 km apart, are recently added to the CDC's list of destinations with active Zika transmission; Fiji and Korsae.  While both are dated April 1st, Fiji's notice was just posted last night.

The biggest concern is over maternal infection and the harm to the developing fetus, and so the CDC continues to recommend that pregnant woman avoid travel to regions where the Zika virus is active.

Most Zika infections are mild or asymptomatic, although a small percentage may be at risk of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).  All travelers should therefore take mosquito precautions.

With the arrival of spring, mosquitoes are becoming active in North America, and so it become very important that all  travelers from regions where Zika is active take certain precautions to prevent local spread of the virus.

After travel:

Most people infected with Zika virus do not feel sick. If a mosquito bites an infected person while the virus is still in that person’s blood, it can spread the virus by biting another person.
Even if they do not feel sick, travelers returning to the United States from an area with Zika should take steps to prevent mosquito bites for 3 weeks so that they do not spread Zika to uninfected mosquitoes.
Men who have traveled to an area with Zika should use condoms to protect their sex partners. If the man’s partner is pregnant, the couple should either use condoms the right way every time or not have sex during the pregnancy.
Pregnant women should talk to their doctor about testing for Zika (see below).
If you feel sick and think you may have Zika:
  • Talk to your doctor if you develop a fever with a rash, joint pain, or red eyes. Tell him or her about your travel.
  • Take acetaminophen (paracetamol) to relieve fever and pain. Do not take aspirin, products containing aspirin, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.
  • Get lots of rest and drink plenty of liquids.
If you are pregnant:
Pregnant travelers returning from areas with Zika can be tested for Zika virus infection.
  • If you develop a fever with a rash, joint pain, or red eyes, talk to your doctor immediately and tell him or her about your travel.
  • If you do not have symptoms, testing can be considered 2–12 weeks after you return from travel.

Current Zika Travel notices now include: