Thursday, December 28, 2017

South Korea: MAFRA Confirms H5N6 At Jeonnam Goheung Duck Farm


South Korea - which has so far detected two different strains of the recently arrived  reassorted (European origin) H5N6 virus - continues to report both widely scattered environmental (wild bird feces) LPAI & HPAI viruses, and sporadic poultry outbreaks of HPAI H5N6 in the six weeks since this fall's bird flu season began.
Last Saturday, MAFRA Reported the 4th Duck Farm Hit By HPAI H5N6, and today we have yet another confirmed outbreak, this time on the south coast (Jeonnam Goheung) of South Korea.  
First the MAFRA statement, then I'll return with a bit more.

Detailed investigation of duck farms in Goheung, Goan, Jeollanam province, confirmed that highly pathogenic AI (H5N6) was registered

 2017-12-28 17:08:00

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Food and Beverage (Minister: Kim Young-lok) conducted a final inspection of the agriculture, forestry and livestock quarantine headquarters of Kwangyong duck farms (about 17,600 rearing size) in Goheung-gun, Jeollanam province confirmed as H5 type during the 12.26. (H5N6) virus, according to the company.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is preemptive in confirming the doctor 's congratulation before it is confirmed as a highly pathogenic disease. The farmers and poultry farmers in the area of ​​protection and disinfection, And "H5N6 genotyping."
At the same time, enhanced preventive measures * were implemented to prevent further spread. * 1) All poultry farms in Goheung county and 7 days of moving and access control of workers, 2) Detailed inspection of all poultry farms in Goheung county, 3) Prohibition of poultry distribution in traditional market in Goheung county

While we have not seen the blitzkrieg of bird flu outbreaks that we saw last year in South Korea (300+ outbreaks) - possibly due to ramped up biosecurity efforts by local poultry producers -  HPAI H5N6 continues to chip away at their defenses. 
With the 2018 Winter Olympic Games - which will be held in Pyeongchang County - now just over five weeks away (Feb 9th-25th), there is great pressure for the government to quickly control and contain any and all outbreaks.
The good news is that neighboring China's avian flu season has yet to take off this winter, and so far at least, H7N9 remains stubbornly confined to Mainland China. 

How long that happy state of affairs will last, is anyone's guess.