Thursday, September 26, 2019

Norway Veterinary Institute Update On Unknown Disease Killing Dogs


Sixteen days ago we looked at initial reports of an unidentified disease sickening, and killing, dogs in Norway.  FluTrackers has been following this story closely, gathering and translating nearly a dozen reports since the  outbreak began in early September.
Despite performing necropsies and extensive lab tests, the cause of this outbreak has yet to be determined.  Thus far, no similar reports have come from outside of Norway.
As of the latest report, more than 200 dogs have been affected, and at least 43 have died.  It isn't clear whether this is an infectious disease, or due to an environmental exposure or food contaminant.

This (translated) update from Norway's Veterinærinstituttet.

Acute dog disease in September 2019 - this we know

On this page you will find what we know at the moment of acute illness in dogs with severe diarrhea and malaise. The page will be updated when we have new information to share.

Latest update with new information: 25 September 10:45

News updated on 25 September

Announced today the FSA about six new cases of sick dogs since yesterday. Cases of West College (2), Netherlands, Hedmark and Akershus (2).

Yesterday they received two new reports of dogs that have similar symptoms of illness. The two new cases are from Akershus and Hordaland.

These are cases that are reported directly to the Food Safety Authority, and not as feedback via the questionnaire sent out to veterinarians. Survey shows so far that it has been up to 200 cases with similar symptoms in dogs, of varying severity, since 1 August. At last count, there were 173 of these cases through the survey dogs with bloody diarrhea.

See county list below We know this by the FSA.

FSA has estimated that up to 43 dogs with similar symptoms of illness are dead.

Veterinary Institute survey in cooperation with the FSA and NMBU Veterinary Science shows that there are nearly 90 different breeds of dogs and dogs of all ages who have had similar symptoms.

Veterinary Institute has autopsied 15 dogs up to and including 24 September. In twelve of these so far have found ample presence of the bacterium Providencia alcalifaciens which is known to induce diarrhea (though not so powerful that it should lead to death).

A dog from Oslo is received for a new autopsy on September 25.

Latest news item : Last updated status is this page (updated on September 25). Latest news item is Status regarding acute dog disease Thursday, 09/20/2019
Information for veterinarians and clinics
For now, and until a definitive cause can be determined, authorities are giving the following advice to dog owners.
Ongoing outbreak of disease in dogs
Last Modified 25/09/2019 

Food Safety Authority's advice to dog owners

  • Limit close contact with other dogs, but make sure your dog gets the aeration and the exercise it needs.
  • Accumulations of dogs should be avoided, or implemented in a manner that allows contact between dogs is limited.
  • Do not let your dog greet or sniff other dogs for a walk.
  • Pick up the stool after your dog and dispose of it in a dustbin.
  • Prevent the dog sniff or eat things into the ditch where other dogs have been.
  • Contact your veterinarian if you notice bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and quickly weakened general condition of your dog.
  • Call your vet before you bring acutely sick dog to the clinic.
  • Follow vaccine recommendations vet provides.
Questions and Answers - What you should know that the dog owner