Wednesday, November 06, 2019

JHCHS Pandemic Table Top Exercise (EVENT 201) Videos Now Available Online


In mid-October Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security (JHCHS) - in concert with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - hosted a half-day table top pandemic exercise (#Event201) in New York City.
While a couple of hundred people (myself included) participated in the online discussion forum, most of the panel discussions were only seen by the studio audience. 
We've had access to a number of background documents on this (fictionalized) pandemic virus (see The JHCHS #Event201 (Fictional) CAPS Pandemic Scenario), but I'm pleased to report that well over 3 hours of the panel discussion have now been released on the Event 201 Website.
I haven't seen the panel videos yet (I plan to watch today), but I'm certain it will be well worth the time. 
For those who would like to stream it directly off YouTube, you can find all 6 videos on the Center For Health Security YouTube Channel.

And for anyone who hasn't already viewed it, you can also find all of the videos from 2018's day-long CLADE X pandemic tabletop exercise on this website as well.