Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hubei Province Reports 69 New Coronavirus Cases - Deaths Jump to 17


While we still wait for official details from the Hong Kong CHP on their first (and possibly 2nd) imported case, Hebei Province officials have reportedly recently held a press conference where they announced 69 new cases, and a death toll that has jumped to 17.

2020-01-22 22:39:31 Beijing News reporter: Xu Wen editor: Liu Mengjie
Newly added 69 cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Hubei, with 17 deaths
The Beijing News (Reporter Xu Wen) Hubei Province held a press conference on January 22 to inform the province of the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection.
As of 20:00 on January 22, Hubei Province had reported a total of 444 cases of pneumonia and 17 deaths. Between January 22 and 0200 on January 22, 69 cases of pneumonia of new coronavirus infection were added in Hubei Province.

While much has been made of the relatively low fatality rate of this emerging coronavirus, until we have a substantial number of patients who have been treated, and their outcome is known, we are dealing with insufficient data.

Today's jump from 9 fatal cases to 17, with only 28 pronounced as `cured', reminds us that we have a lot left to learn about the ultimate public health impact of this virus.