Monday, January 13, 2020

Hungary Reports HPAI H5N8 in Turkeys


While we await further word on the novel coronavirus front, we've news of a 3rd European country over the past couple of weeks to report outbreaks of HPAI H5N8 in poultry, likely being spread by migratory birds.

Reports began around the end of December in Poland  (see  DEFRA SitRep #7 : HPAI H5N8 Flu In Europe), moved south to Slovakia late last week, and today we've an official statement from Hungary's NÉBIH (Department of Animal Health and Animal Welfare).
Like Poland and Slovakia, Hungary has not reported any outbreaks of HPAI H5N8 in nearly 3 years. The (translated) statement follows:

Avian influenza in a poultry flock in Komárom-Esztergom County
January 13, 2020
The presence of avian influenza virus has been detected by the Nébih in a large turkey farm in Komárom-Esztergom County. The authority took the necessary measures immediately, killing the animals with state compensation to prevent the spread of the virus. The national veterinarian shall order the poultry to be kept in confinement throughout the country. The detected H5N8 subtype has not yet been the cause of human disease in Europe, and poultry products remain safe to consume.
The mortality rate in the infected herd increased significantly and clinical signs of the disease appearing to be suspected. Laboratory tests at Nebih on Sunday evening confirmed the presence of avian influenza.
In order to prevent the spread of the disease, the veterinary authority is killing 53,500 turkeys on the farm's entire flock, in accordance with the epidemiological regulations and with state compensation. The authority has already begun to suspect the depopulation, in order to protect healthy herds and maintain export capacity. Professionals shall visit all poultry holdings within a protection zone of 3 km radius around the holding and a surveillance zone of 10 km radius, sampling where necessary. Transport restrictions also apply to prevent the spread of the infection.
The national veterinarian shall order the poultry to be kept in confinement throughout the country.
Under current disease control rules, animals must be fed and watered in a fully enclosed, preferably laterally enclosed, area protected from wild birds. The feed must also be kept indoors and kept away from foreign animals during storage. Storage of litter must also be avoided in such a way as to avoid contact with wild birds, preferably in a covered, enclosed area or covered with foil.
The H5N8 virus strain first caused an outbreak in poultry in Asia in early 2014 and then appeared in Europe in November 2014. The last time Hungary had to deal with the disease was in 2016-2017. The virus strain just detected is very similar to what was present in Hungary in 2016.
Further useful information on the disease can be found on the Nebih thematic subpage: