Friday, January 17, 2020

Thailand MOH Reports 2nd Novel Coronavirus Case (ex China)


Yesterday the World Health Organization warned that more cases of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus was likely to turn up in travelers outside of China, and in the past couple of hours Thailand's Ministry of Health has announced their second confirmed case.
Thai doesn't translated particularly well using software tools, and since Crof posted a Google Translation about an hour ago, I though I'd use Microsoft's Bing instead. 
Other, English language reports are also available (see Reuters, and The Nation), which help clear up some of the foggier passages.  This 2nd patient is a 74 y.o. woman who was isolated on Monday as part of the airport screening program, and who subsequently tested positive.

According to this press release, Thailand's 1st imported case has improved, and is awaiting a 2nd test showing the virus has cleared before being released.
Ministry of Public Health receives 2 tourists from Wuhan for pneumonia at Bamrasnaradura Institute.
 Ministry of Public Health Traveler's screening from Wuhan People's Republic of China Patients have been found to confirm pneumonia from the virus. 2019 strains of the 2nd place are currently in the care of the doctor at the Institute of Bamrat.
          Today (17 January 2563) at the control Department of the Ministry of Health, Nonthaburi Kanchonphimai. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and Dr. Suwanchai Watnayingcherinchai Director General, the Department of Control of the press conference, the situation of a lung infection from Wuhan, China, the Ministry of Public Health of the Department of the Disease Control has been screening on the airport on 13 January 2563. The 2019 species added 1 list as Chinese female tourists to the age of 74, currently receiving treatment at the Bamrat institution. Clinical manifestations improved, if the laboratory results were not detected by a virus. The doctor will allow it to go home. It is the second part of Thailand, both of which are not related to each other.
          The doctor discreetly said that the Ministry of Health has conducted surveillance and control diseases according to the standard system used for the disease. We have filtered passengers who fly direct from Wuhan City. China at 4 airports: Suvarnabhumi, Donmuang, Chiang Mai and Phuket from 3 – 16 January 2563 Total 86 flights. Passengers and the crew have been screening all 13,624. To find out patients with the majority of these 21 investigations, the influenza virus infection was well healed and returned home. 12 list of patients suffering from the new species of Girona Two are also maintained in a separation room, a pressure Delete Institute Bamrat Narat  
          First confirmed by the patient. The symptoms are much improved, and there is no fever. Wait for the verification that the virus could not be found. The doctor will allow you to return home as well as the second patient in the process of treatment and keep track of the symptoms until it's gone well and repeat that the virus is not found. This is from a close contact tracking. The first patient of 16 people and a close-up contact of 20 people did not find a closer contact who infected the new breed of a virus. People do not have to panic in Thailand, there is no outbreak.
          The The Ministry of Public Health also confirms the readiness of public health, both surveillance measures and the anti-outbreak guidelines in the following four ways: 1. Ability to monitor screening and screening of patients Aircraft passengers are screened in a direct route from Wuhan City. People's Republic of China 2. Diagnostic Maintenance Patients who are in the investigation criteria 3. Forward the patients who have been observed to observe the symptoms in the split-pressure isolation room (Negative Pressure Room), both public and private hospitals and 4. Surveillance in the tourist community throughout the country.  
           The World Health Organization has not yet declared the right to the countries where the pulmonary infection is reported. Ask the public to track the situation closely. If you need to travel in a vulnerable area, please be careful. Avoid contact with animals. The animal market or animal goods, or in a place where a dense hakklap comes from a vulnerable area, and the onset of illness, such as fever, cough, throat, swelling, seek to consult a physician or public health officer immediately due to the likelihood of a pulmonary complications. However, people have a significant part in the prevention of disease with government agencies. If you are experiencing any suspected hospital treatment, or consult the Department of Disease Control hotline. Tel. 1422