Wednesday, January 29, 2020

UAE: Emirates News Agency Reporting Family Cluster Of Coronavirus Cases

Screenshot - UAE MOH Facebook Page


Overnight WAM (Emirates News Agency) reported that  UAE announces first case of new coronaviruswhich provided no details other than it involving `. . . .members of a family arriving from the Chinese city of Wuhan.'

While I can find no official word on the UAE MOH website, WAM is now reporting 4 members of the family have tested positive.

Chinese family of 4 infected with new coronavirus in UAE

ABU DHABI, 29th January, 2020 (WAM) -- A four-member Chinese family infected with new coronavirus is the first confirmed case in the UAE, the Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, revealed today.
The statement clarified that "all family members are in stable condition and the situation was contained by following the most necessary precautionary measures adopted globally when dealing with infected cases."
The Ministry assured the public about the general health situation, emphasising that "it is not a cause for concern."
It added, "We advise all citizens and residents to adhere to the general health guidelines."
MoHAP confirmed that, in coordination with health and all concerned authorities in the country, it has taken "all the necessary precautions in accordance with the scientific recommendations, conditions and standards approved by the World Health Organisation."
WAM/Esraa Ismail/Rasha Abubaker