Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Harvard Gazette: Dr. Marc Lipsitch On The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)


While it is important to listen to virologists, medical doctors, and public health officials when dealing with an emerging epidemic like the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), for my money - when trying to figure its next move  -  what you really to is to hear from are top tier epidemiologists.
And Dr. Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and head of the School’s Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, fits that bill perfectly.
Dr. Lipsitch gave an interview today for the Harvard Gazette, where he talks about the likelihood of COVID-19 becoming major player outside of China in the months to come.  He also talks at length about the things we don't know, including the veracity of the numbers coming out of China, the likely severity range of the disease, and the challenges in developing a vaccine.

Follow the link to read the full interview.

Coronavirus likely now ‘gathering steam’
Leaky international cordon may mean equivalent of worst flu season in modern times
BY Alvin Powell Harvard Staff Writer
DATE February 11, 2020

The number of confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus have continued to surge inside China, sickening tens of thousands, with a death toll of more than 1,000. But outside the Asian giant the numbers remain a fraction of that, a trend Harvard’s Marc Lipsitch views with suspicion. Lipsitch thinks it is just a matter of time before the virus spreads widely internationally, which means nations so far only lightly hit should prepare for its eventual arrival in force and what may seem like the worst flu season in modern times. Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and head of the School’s Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, talked to the Gazette about recent developments in the outbreak and provided a look ahead.
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