Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Pakistan' State Minister Of Health Confirms 1st Two COVID-19 Cases


After issuing a denial only a few hours earlier, Pakistan's State Minister of Health Dr Zafar Mirza confirmed Pakistan's 1st two COVID-19 cases (see tweet above) about an hour ago.

The Khajeel Times reports on the first case:
A spokesperson for the Sindh health department had earlier confirmed the first coronavirus case in the country. The 22-year-old had arrived in the country on a flight from Iran, from where he reportedly acquired the virus.

The patient and his family were admitted to a private hospital in quarantine conditions.
At this point I've lost count of the number of exported cases from Iran over the past 5 days, but it must now exceed 60, suggesting the virus is running rampant inside Iran.  Earlier today I wrote about a study estimating the number of cases inside Iran based on exported cases.