Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Italian MOH Reports 977 New COVID-19 Cases & 168 Additional Deaths


Italy has posted its biggest one-day jump in COVID-19 fatalities (n=168), bringing the death toll in Italy to 631 out of 10,149 confirmed cases.  This brings Italy's apparent CFR to 6.2% - roughly double that of China - and  about 10 times higher than South Korea has reported.
Although Lombardy (pop. 10 million) in Northern Italy has reported 57% of all cases - at the same time it has reported an even larger portion - 74% - of all of the fatalities. While the nation's CFR is a hefty 6.2%, in Lombardy, it is 10.5%. 
This high CFR, combined with numerous online reports of a heavily overburdened healthcare delivery system in Northern Italy, suggest that this high death toll may be due - at least in part - to their inability to provide intensive (oxygen, ventilation, etc.) care to the growing number of severe cases.

Covid-19: cases in Italy at 6 pm on March 10th

In the field of health monitoring relating to the spread of the new Coronavirus on the national territory, there are 10149 total cases, at the moment 8514 people are positive for the virus.
There are 1004 people healed.
There are 5038 patients hospitalized with symptoms, 877 in intensive care, while 2599 are in home isolation.

631 have died, however this number can be confirmed only after the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has established the actual cause of the death.
The Head of Civil Protection and Emergency Commissioner, Angelo Borrelli, announced that there are 280 more people recovered than yesterday; he also invited all citizens to inquire exclusively through official channels, so as not to encourage the spread of fake news.
Consult the tables:
Italy situation as of March 10th
Breakdown by provinces as of March 10th