Yesterday Italy announced another 1240 COVID-19 cases and raised the death toll to nearly 200 -which brought their case count to just under 5,900 cases - nearly all identified over the past 18 days.
Today, after what could charitably be called a `slow initial response', Italy has enacted `exceptional measures' across much of Northern Italy; essentially putting 16 million people in lockdown for the next 4 weeks - in an attempt to slow the spread of the disease.I know that many people still don't believe COVID-19 is a genuine threat, and that these sorts of measures could never be considered where they live.
But I suspect those same thoughts were held until recently by many in Italy, who - like those before them in Iran and Mainland China - thought it couldn't happen to them either.This (translated) announcement from the Italian MOH website:
Covid-19, exceptional measures in Lombardy and 14 provinces
Further exceptional measures against the spread of the new coronavirus epidemic are contained in the latest Dpcm signed overnight by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giuseppe Conte.
The document establishes specific measures for the areas most affected by the Covid-19 infection (Lombardy region and provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio- Ossola, Vercelli, Padua, Treviso and Venice) and others valid for the whole country.
The provisions adopted are effective from March 8 until April 3, 2020 (except for different provisions contained in the individual measures).
In the Lombardy region and in the provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padua, Treviso and Venice:
Avoid travel
In general, we ask you to avoid moving into and out of these territories, except for those for work or health reasons. People with fever above 37.5 degrees are strongly recommended to stay at home and limit social contacts as much as possible.
Quarantine: forbidden to leave the house
Absolute prohibition on leaving the home for those who have been quarantined or tested positive for the virus.
Stop at sporting events and competitions
Sports events and competitions of all kinds and disciplines held in every place, both public and private, are suspended. The aforementioned events and competitions are allowed, as well as training sessions for competitive athletes inside sports facilities used behind closed doors or outdoors without the public.
Favor ordinary leave or holidays
Public and private employers are recommended to promote employees' use of ordinary leave and vacation periods.
Closed cinemas, theaters, pubs, discos, bingo halls
All organized events and events in public or private place, of any kind, are suspended. Therefore, cinemas, theaters, pubs, dance schools, game rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and discotheques and similar clubs were also closed, with penalties for suspension of activity in case of violation.
Schools and universities closed
Educational services for children and educational activities in schools of all levels are suspended until March 15th. The possibility of activating the remote teaching method remains valid. Post-university courses connected with the exercise of health professions are excluded from the suspension (Art. 1 letter d of Prime Ministerial Decree of 8 March). Meetings of the collegial bodies in attendance are also suspended.
Ceremonies and funerals suspended
Places of worship open only if they enforce the interpersonal protection distance of at least one meter. Civil and religious ceremonies are suspended, including funerals.
Closed museums
Museums and other institutes and places of culture are closed.
Contests suspended (except those for healthcare professionals)
Public and private insolvency procedures are suspended, except for those carried out on a curricular basis or electronically. Competitions for health personnel, including state examinations for doctors, and those for civil protection personnel, are excluded from suspension.
Restaurants and bars open from 6 to 18
During the opening of the activity, the manager is obliged to guarantee the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter. In case of violation, the activity is suspended.
Shops open only one meter away
The other commercial activities are allowed only if the operator guarantees quota accesses and such as to avoid gatherings of people and ensure that visitors can respect the distance of at least one meter.
Ordinary leave suspended for health personnel
Ordinary leave of health and technical staff, as well as staff whose activities are necessary to manage crisis units at regional level, are suspended.
Meetings remotely
Where possible, the method of remote connection is adopted for holding meetings, with particular reference to health and social and health structures, public utility services involved in the Covid-19 emergency.
Closed shops in shopping malls and markets on festive and pre-holiday days
On festive and pre-holiday days, the medium and large sales structures are closed, as well as the shops inside the shopping centers and markets. On weekdays, the operator of the business must ensure compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of one meter. In the impossibility to guarantee it or in case of violation, the activity is closed.
Open food, pharmacies and parapharmacies
Also in this case, the operator is called to ensure compliance with the distance of one meter.
Stop at gyms, swimming pools, spas and ski resorts
The activities of gyms, sports centers, swimming pools, swimming centers, spas, spas (except for the provision of the services included in Lea), ski facilities are suspended. But also of cultural, social and recreational centers.
Stop driving exams
The driving fitness tests to be carried out at the peripheral offices of the civil motorization located in the aforementioned territories are suspended.
Watch the video of President Conte's press conference