Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Italy MOH: 2313 New COVID-19 Cases - 196 Additional Deaths


Italy today has announced a record one-day increase in COVID-19 cases (n=2313) and a record number of deaths (n=196), bringing the total number of cases to 12,462 and deaths to 827.
This brings the apparent CFR (Case Fatality Rate) for the entire country to 6.6%, but most of the fatalities have occurred in hard hit Lombardy, where the CFR is roughly 8.5%.   
Outside of Lombardy, the CFR is around 4% - still very high compared to other countries - but nowhere near the calamitous situation in Lombardy.

Covid-19: the cases in Italy at 6 pm on 11 March

As regards health monitoring relating to the spread of the new Coronavirus on the national territory, there are 12,462 total cases, currently 10,590 people are positive for the virus.
There are 1,045 people healed.
There are 5,838 hospitalized patients with symptoms, 1,028 in intensive care, while 3,724 are in home isolation.
827 have died, however this number can only be confirmed after the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has established the actual cause of the death.

Consult the tables:
Italy situation on 11 March
Breakdown by provinces on 11 March