Monday, March 16, 2020

Peace Corps Suspends Volunteer Activities, Arranging Evacuations

Credit CDC


One of the analogies I've shamelessly lifted often from Dr. Michael Osterholm - Director of CIDRAP  and author of Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs - is that a severe pandemic is likely to be like an 18-month global blizzard, where nearly everything is shut down (see Baby, it's Cold Outside).
It starts with border closings, cancelled flights, and then outright travel bans. Soon countries begin to restrict exports of essential goods, like PPEs, medicines, and vaccines.  Global economies begin to contract, stockholders panic (and not without reason), and commerce - both local and global - declines sharply. 
As I write this - the morning after a historic Fed Rate cut - the European stock markets are down sharply again, DOW futures are limit down, and this morning's market opening is likely to be ugly. It is finally dawning on investors around the world is that this pandemic isn't likely to resolve itself in the next few weeks, and there is now a decided chill in the air.
Even if we get lucky, and the worst of this pandemic is over in 3 to 6 months - things are going to get worse before they get better - and some very difficult - but pragmatic -decisions are going to have to be made by agencies, organizations, and corporations around the world.  
A prime example, overnight the Director of the Peace Corps announced the suspension of Volunteer services around the world, and their intent to evacuate volunteers while they still can. 

Peace Corps announces suspension of Volunteer activities, evacuations due to COVID-19

March 15, 2020

WASHINGTON – The following is an open letter to Peace Corps Volunteers from Director Jody Olsen.
Dear Volunteers,
I know this is a very stressful time for you and your families, your host communities and the staff at your post. 
As you know, we recently evacuated Volunteers from China and Mongolia due to the COVID-19 outbreak and related travel constraints and school closings. Further evacuations are now under way at several posts. Unfortunately, it has become clear in the last 48 hours that numerous posts must follow suit. 
It is against this backdrop that I have made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend all Peace Corps operations globally and evacuate all of our Volunteers. As COVID-19 continues to spread and international travel becomes more and more challenging by the day, we are acting now to safeguard your well-being and prevent a situation where Volunteers are unable to leave their host countries.
Evacuations are difficult, emotionally draining experiences for everyone involved. We are here for you, and we will do all that we can to keep you informed and up to date on the latest developments. Ensuring your health, safety and security is the highest priority of the Peace Corps. I want to stress that Headquarters remains open under its own Continuity of Operations Plan, and agency personnel are working 24/7 to support you and our staff overseas.
I also want to assure you and our host country partners that these evacuations represent the temporary suspension of Volunteer activities. We are not closing posts, and we will be ready to return to normal operations when conditions permit. Importantly, our host country staff will remain in their current positions. They play a critical role in every element of the Peace Corps mission, especially in a time of crisis.
Look for more information from your Country Director in the hours ahead. I deeply appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these logistically challenging operations.
My thoughts are with you, and I am incredibly grateful for your service.
Jody K. Olsen