Monday, March 09, 2020

Today's CDC COVID-19 Press Conference - Audio


The CDC held a press conference early today, where Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, offered some straight talk on the steps and preparations that Americans need to take now as the COVID-19 threat continues to escalate.
I'm pleased that Dr. Messonnier included many of the same recommendations I've written about previously in my `Time To Line Up A `Flu Buddy' blog post, along with recommendations that people make some basic preparations, such has having some extra food in the house, and whatever OTC and Rx meds they may require. 
Dr. Messonnier also stressed that one's risk from the virus increases with an individual's age, and comorbidities.  For most people, COVID-19 produces a mild-to-moderate illness, but some smaller percentage are at risk of serious illness.

Highly recommended. 

CDC Media Telebriefing: Update on COVID-19
Media Advisory
For Immediate Release: Monday, March 9, 2020
Contact: Media Relations(404) 639-3286
Telebriefing Audio