Tuesday, August 15, 2023

UK DEFRA Guidance: How To Keep Pets Safe From H5N1



Although we've seen scattered reports of avian H5N1 infecting mammals going back two full decades (see here, here, and here) - it is pretty obvious that in recent years HPAI H5 has recently acquired new skills in that department. 

Note: The absence of spillover reports from Africa, Russia, and China should not be interpreted as a lack of cases, but rather, an absence of surveillance and reporting. 

We are currently monitoring outbreaks in two dozen Finnish fur farms (mink & foxes), outbreaks in cats reported in both South Korea and Poland, thousands of marine mammals killed in South Americaand literally hundreds of reports of spillovers into domestic, peridomestic, and wild animals in the United States, and round the world.

But even in places that attempt to report spillovers, we are likely only seeing a small percentage of actual cases. With a new wave of migratory birds expected this fall, yesterday the UK's DEFRA published their own guidance for pet owners (below):
Bird flu: how to keep pets safe

Published 14 August 2023

Bird flu (avian influenza) viruses can infect mammals, including cats, dogs, ferrets and other pets.

Contact your vet if you have concerns about the health and welfare of your pet. 
Keep your pets away from wild birds

You should stop your pets from having close contact with:
  • dead or sick wild birds, as they may be infected with bird flu
  • droppings, feathers or carcases of wild birds
  • feed and water bowls that wild birds could have accessed
Prevent your pets from eating, chewing on or playing with dead or sick birds.

There is a small risk to cats or dogs if they catch wild birds infected with bird flu. Common garden birds have a lower risk of being infected with bird flu than ducks, geese, swans and gulls.

When walking your dog, keep them under effective control so they stay away from wild birds. This is particularly important in areas where bird flu has been found in wild birds. Look out for warning posters or other signs in these areas.

Do not enter areas where bird flu has been confirmed in poultry, other captive birds or kept mammals without permission from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). Signs will tell you where these restrictions are in force.

When you walk your dog, follow the Countryside Code and marine and coastal wildlife code.
Pet food

You should not feed your pet non-commercial raw poultry meat, game bird, wildfowl or other wild bird meat.

Commercial pet food is formulated for your specific type of pet and is the most appropriate diet. Feeding raw meat to pets can have potentially serious animal and public health risks.

Some types of pet food, including pet chews or treats, are made of raw meat and other unprocessed animal products. It may not always be obvious that products contain raw meat.

Read guidance on handling raw pet food and preventing infection.

Speak to your vet for advice on meeting your pet’s dietary needs.
If your pet is sick, tell your vet if it has been in contact with wild birds or eaten raw meat or treats.
Protecting working dogs

If your dogs work on shoots, they could come into contact with infected wild birds (including released game birds) or a contaminated area. This may put them at risk.

If you have any concerns, contact your vet for advice.
Protecting poultry and other captive birds

If you keep birds, you should take steps to prevent bird flu and stop it spreading.

If you own other pets, you should keep them out of areas where you keep your birds. If other pets have been outside, they may have been in contact with infected wild birds or contaminated areas. For example, they may have bird droppings or feathers on their paws or fur.
What happens if your vet suspects bird flu

Contact your vet if you have concerns about the health and welfare of your pet.

If your vet suspects your pet may have been infected with a bird flu virus, they will need to report this to the APHA immediately. If your vet (or a testing laboratory) finds evidence of a bird flu virus or antibodies to a bird flu virus in samples taken from your pet, they will also need to report this to APHA immediately.

You can find out about the laboratory testing and reporting process for vets.
          (Continue . . . )

Nearly three weeks ago the the UK released a HAIRS Risk Assessment: Avian Influenza in A(H5N1) in Non-Avian UK Wildlife (Ver. 2.0), which warned:

Where AI A(H5) subtypes circulate in poultry or wild birds, then sporadic human cases should not be unexpected in people with close contact or high levels of exposure.

The risk to the general public at this time is thought to be very low, but is considered slightly higher for those with exposure to live poultry or wildlife.  Another potential avenue of exposure is through companion animals (mostly cats & dogs) who might become infected from the environment. 

While the risk remains low, the CDC advises:

People Who Have Had Direct Contact with Infected or Potentially Infected Animals

During outbreaks of bird flu in wild birds and/or poultry, people who have had direct contact with infected or potentially infected animals, including sick animals that might have eaten bird flu-infected birds, should monitor their health for fever and symptoms of infection.

Signs and Symptoms may include:
  • Fever (Temperature of 100°F [37.8°C] or greater) or feeling feverish/chills*
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty breathing/Shortness of breath
  • Conjunctivitis (eye tearing, redness, irritation, or discharge from eye)
  • Headaches
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Diarrhea
*Fever may not always be present

Call your state/local health department immediately if you develop any of these signs or symptoms during the 10-days after your exposure to an infected or potentially infected animal. Discuss your potential exposure and ask about testing. If testing is recommended, isolate as much as possible until test results come back and/or you have recovered from your illness.

Additionally, close contacts (family members, etc.) of people who have been exposed to a person or animal with lab-confirmed bird flu viruses should also monitor their health for 10 days after their exposure for signs and symptoms of illness. If close contacts of people who have been exposed to H5 bird flu viruses develop signs and symptoms of illness, they should also contact their state health department.

With fall approaching, it is worth being mindful that the level of H5N1 in the environment is likely to rise, and some simple precautions are warranted.