Thursday, May 09, 2024

USDA Adds 6 More Herds To HPAI Infected List



While the number of affected states (n=9) has not changed, and there is evidence suggesting that the number of herds infected is likely far greater than has been identified, the USDA has added 6 more herds to their list (4 from Michigan, 1 from Idaho, and 1 from Colorado). 


These are the first additions to the list since April 25th, bringing the total to 42 herds. 

We've previously seen official statements, and media reports, indicating that some farms - and even some state agencies - have `resisted' efforts by federal agencies, including the CDC and USDA, to do testing on cattle and farm workers. 

Unfortunately, this `Don't test, don't tell' policy extends beyond just cattle, which means this virus could be expanding its host range without our knowledge.