Saturday, June 22, 2024

Australia: 2nd NSW Farm Struck By H7N8


Today the New South Wales DPI website announced a 2nd outbreak of avian H7N8 at a farm in close proximity to the initial outbreak reported on Wednesday.  While details are scant, media reports indicate nearly 240,000 birds will be culled at the first farm, and 87,000 at the second. 


The WOAH (#5720) report for the first outbreak reads:


This is a confirmed case of H7N8 HPAI in a mixed free-range and barn commercial egg layer poultry farm. The H7N8 virus is genetically related to strains detected in wild birds in Australia. Official biosecurity controls have been implemented on the farm and operational activities commenced immediately. A control emergency zone (CEZ) and restricted emergency zone (REZ) have been declared around the premises. Movement controls have been implemented in the CEZ and REZ. A requirement to house free-range birds where possible will be put in place across the CEZ and REZ. A detailed surveillance plan is being developed and epidemiological investigation and tracing is underway. A public information strategy is being implemented. All coordinates provided are approximate to the nearest town location.

These are the first outbreaks reported by NSW since 2013, when two farms were hit with H7N2 near Young.  The only other outbreak in NSW was reported a year earlier, when H7N7 struck a single farm near Maitland. 

In neighboring Victoria, the count remains 7 outbreaks (1-H7N9 & 6-H7N3) since late May.