Monday, March 28, 2011

Disaster Relief Updates From Japan


# 5456




Largely overshadowed in the media coverage by the ongoing nuclear crises at Fukushima, the destruction, loss of life, and human misery from Japan’s earthquake and tsunami truly reaches monumental proportions.


Dozens of relief agencies are working to feverishly to reach the injured and isolated, feed and shelter evacuees, and reunite separated families.


A couple of relief organization updates this morning, that illustrate some of the work being done, and the progress being made.


From SEEDS Asia, out of Kobe, Japan expresses their mandate as: Enhance safety and sustainability of people and communities in the Asia Pacific region to cope with natural disasters and environmental problems.


They’ve released their 9th SITREP report, dated March 27th, which gives an excellent overview of the relief efforts going on in northern Japan.




They summarize the relief situation in the three hardest hit prefectures below.   Follow the link to read the 11-page report in its entirety.







The International Federation of the Red Cross And Red Crescent have released their 5th SITREP on Japan’s triple disaster.





Follow the link to read the entire 6-page report.


While I can’t vouch for all of the organizations that are providing relief efforts in Japan, many reputable relief agencies like the Red Cross/Red Crescent, CARE and SAVE THE CHILDREN (among others) have a reputation for good management and for providing valuable assistance in the wake of disasters around the world.


They, and the peoples of Japan, I’m certain would be appreciative of whatever support you can lend.