Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is There A House In The Doctor?



# 5523



The May 2011 edition of the CDC’s  EID Journal is now available online, and it chock full of the stuff that makes the writer’s of TV’s favorite diagnostician - House M.D. - salivate with anticipation.




The May edition contains literally dozens of articles, dispatches, and letters concerning emerging vector-borne illnesses - many of which are showing up in regions of the world where they’ve rarely (if ever) been seen before – making their diagnosis difficult.


Some, like Human Intraocular Filariasis Caused by Pelecitus sp. Nematode, Brazil involve rare, even exotic, pathogens.  While others - like Chikungunya Virus, Southeastern France - provide new information or perspectives on more familiar infections.


Although I’ve already profiled a few of these articles already (see An Epidemiologist’s Delight and EID Journal:Vector-Borne Infections), I plan to select a few more over the next couple of weeks to highlight.


In the meantime, check out: