Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Referral: VDU On Preparing For A Pandemic


It's one thing when this retired paramedic tells you it's time to prepare for a pandemic, it's quite another when a couple of well respected virologists make the same recommendations.
Today Dr. Ian Mackay and Dr. Katherine Arden make an excellent case for  why - and how - you should be making reasonable preparations for a COVID-19 pandemic. 
Follow the link below to read a detailed, and well thought out, preparedness plan that can still be reasonably accomplished while supplies are still readily available.   

Highly recommended.
So you think you’re about to be in a pandemic?
Posted on February 25, 2020Author Ian M Mackay, PhD (EIC)Leave a commentby Ian M Mackay, PhD and Katherine E Arden PhD
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 [1]) has spread to over 30 countries and regions outside mainland China. Currently, disease spread in Singapore is being slowed by their expertise but new case numbers in South Korea, Italy and Iran, and the wide national distribution of cases in Japan are all signs that the virus is ahead of our efforts to contain it.
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