Friday, June 28, 2024

Australia: 11th Avian H7 Outbreak, Now Reported in ACT


The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - which includes the city of Canberra - lies entirely within New South Wales and is a bit over 200 km from Hawkesbury district of Sydney, which reported two outbreaks of H7N8 last week.

For the past 48 hours there have been reports of an investigation into an egg farm in the ACT, and overnight H7N8 was confirmed by the ACT government.  

This outbreak is reportedly `directly linked' to the NSW farm outbreak, and  is not believed to be the result of another spillover from wild birds.

The official statement from ACT follows.

Avian Influenza


Avian influenza (HPAI H7N8) was detected at a commercial farm in the ACT on 27 June 2024.

The ACT Government has implemented a quarantine order to manage the current case of avian influenza.

The impacted property is under quarantine and ACT Biosecurity is working closely with the property to manage the infection using national response arrangements.

The ACT Quarantine areas are available on the Legislation Register.

Avian influenza is not a food safety concern and it is safe to eat properly handled and cooked poultry meat, eggs and egg products.

If you see unusual signs of disease or suspect an exotic disease in your poultry, call the Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Hotline immediately on 1800 675 888.
Current Situation
ACT quarantine arrangements

ACT Government has declared two quarantine areas: a restricted quarantine area and a control quarantine area. These quarantine areas are in place to reduce the movement of not only birds, but other materials, objects and equipment deemed as high risk.

Restrictions are especially important in the early period of this response. The situation will be monitored closely by the ACT Government and the restrictions may be amended or removed depending on the progression of the current outbreak.

ACT Biosecurity will continue to work closely with industry on good biosecurity practices. 
New South Wales

Avian Influenza (HPAI H7N8) has been detected at a number of poultry farms since June 2024. Details of the response, including movement controls can be found on the Department of Primary Industries website.

Avian Influenza (H7N3 and H7N9) has been detected at a number of poultry farms since May 2024. Details of the response, including movement controls to prevent the spread of avian Influenza can be found on the Agriculture Victoria website.