Saturday, March 12, 2011

Report: Explosion At Fukushima Nuke Plant



# 5379




(Video of explosion- BBC)


Details are sketchy at this time, but it appears that a major explosion has taken place at reactor #1 at the Fukushima facility on Honshu Island about 4pm local time (2 am EST or 7am GST). 


Radiation levels are rising outside the damaged plant, and the possibility exists that a feared core melt-down may be occurring.



Here is how the Associated Press is reporting the incident:



Japan: Explosion heard at Fukushima nuclear power plant

Associated Press, Updated: March 12, 2011 14:52 IST

Sendai, Japan: An explosion at a nuclear power station tore down the walls of one building Saturday as smoke poured out and Japanese officials said they feared the reactor could melt down following the failure of its cooling system in a powerful earthquake and tsunami.

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Meanwhile Reuters is reporting that the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) is urgently trying to get information on the reported explosion.


IAEA 'Urgently' Seeking Info on Japan Blast Report

March 12, 2011

Vienna. The United Nation’s nuclear watchdog said it is aware of media reports of an explosion on Saturday at Japan’s Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant and is urgently seeking information from the country’s authorities.

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This situation is obviously fluid, and serious.  

How serious is something we may not know for hours.



Reuters is now reporting (at 4:50 am EST) that the explosion at Fukushima reactor #1 has been confirmed.


Japan Confirms Explosion, Leakage at Nuclear Plant

March 12, 2011

Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano confirmed on Saturday there has been an explosion and radiation leakage at Tokyo Electric Power Co’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

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Events are moving rapidly.   Stay tuned.