Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Kuwait MOH Confirms 13 More COVID-19 Cases (n=25)


Much like Bahrain, Kuwait announced their 1st imported COVID-19 case (ex Iran) two days ago.  Earlier today we saw the number of cases in Bahrain jump to 26 (see Bahrain Reports 3 More COVID-19 Cases (ex Iran)), and I mentioned that Kuwait's total was roughly 1 dozen.
Over the past 4 hours Kuwait's MOH is reporting an overnight jump to 25 cases. 
These 50+ cases reported in the past 48 hours by Bahrain and Kuwait all appear to be linked to recent travel from Iran, and that raises serious questions over the size of Iran's outbreak (last official count - see Iran: MOH Announces 44 New COVID-19 Cases (n=139)).

Obviously, if 50+ cases have been detected in Kuwait and Bahrain, it also begs the question: How many others have been exported to countries in the Middle East that haven't yet detected them?