Sunday, March 15, 2020

Italy MOH: 3590 New COVID-19 Cases, 366 Additional Deaths


Italy continues to be the hardest hit nation outside of Mainland China with COVID-19, with nearly 25,000 confirmed cases to date. Over the past 24 hours the MOH has confirmed their largest one-day jump in fatalities (n=366), along with nearly 3600 new cases. 
Hospitals are reportedly overwhelmed with cases, and as we discussed yesterday in Ventilator Shortages And Pandemic Triage, that may be contributing to their high number of deaths.
Italy's apparent CFR (among confirmed cases) is 7.3%, but that number rises to 9.1% in Lombardy - the hardest hit region - and drops to just over 5% in the rest of Italy. Even so, that is far greater than anything we've seen elsewhere in the world.

The goal for much of Europe and the United States over the next few weeks is to dampen down transmission enough to avoid our own hospitals - and their patients - from suffering the same fate (see Community Pandemic Mitigation's Primary Goal : Flattening The Curve).

Press conference at 6 pm on March 15th
24747 total cases, the currently positive people are 20603, 1809 died and 2335 recovered.
Among the 20603 positives:
  • 9268 are found in home isolation
  • 9663 hospitalized with symptoms
  • 1672 in intensive care
Read the tables: Consult the map: